How To Make A PDF Journal Into A Digital One

I’ve been getting a bunch of questions regarding my printable files in the shop. So let’s just jump in on how to print them or use them digitally.


Most printers (sold in the four or so years) have a wireless connection option. If you have this sort of printer you can download the printer’s app and then be able to print from your phone or other mobile device. Check your printer, then go to your app store and search for the printer. You’re going to look for Canon, Brother, HP whichever your printer is. You might need to add “printer” to the manufacturer’s name. You’ll then follow your printer and app instructions to download, install and finally print.

Yay! That’s done and it was easy!


Now if you want to use your downloaded file as a digital file you will need a different sort of app. I personally use GoodNotes, but there are other apps like Notabilty,

You’re going to start off by going to your app store and downloading one of those apps. Then of course, you’re going to follow it’s instructions to get your account set up. While you’re there look at your apps need for installing PDF Files.

As I use GoodNotes I will walk you through that one.

For this example we’re going to buy my Happiness Journal. Because, we all should be focusing on happiness, that’s why.

We’ve bought the journal and we’re going to tap on that blue download button.

Then I pay close attention to where it was downloaded at. You will probably have a special place your mobile device downloads to, it’s probably called download.

On my devices, my file opens in a new tab and I can read it there. But I can also save it to where I want.

In the image above you can see I can “OPEN IN”, it lets me save my file to a few different places.

You could also choose to download directly to GoodNotes -this is probably the easiest option.

If you do that, “Open in GoodNotes” in the above image. Your file will be waiting in your app for you. YAY! Easy Peasy! Lemon Breezy which is my favorite kind of easy.


You can also choose to “Save to Files”. If you take this option you’re going to have a lot of extra steps. Let’s go to those now.

But before we go the long route let’s finish up the fast route.

It will look like this. Now importing into GoodNotes is as easy as tapping that blue button.

If you choose to download to another location like “file”, you will then go to your app (Goodnotes for me) and open a new file. I click on the plus sign in a new box. Then “Import” from the drop down menu.

The image below.

When I click Import it will allow me to choose download locations like “File” or “Downloads”. I will find the place my downloads go to (Downloads for me), then search for the file I want to upload into Goodnotes.

Look for the PDF you want to import. Click on it, you’ll probably be asked if you want to import this. Or if you’re really Lucky the app will just import it. Then you can open your app and start using the PDF. Like this.

I love GoodNotes for a few reasons. One is it will allow me to write, with my finger or stylus, in all my chicken scratch glory. (You don’t want to know how long I spent writing that out,) Or I can choose to type and be able to understand WTF I wrote later on.

You can also make a copy of your file. So, for example I could have this Happiness Journal for various months. Happiness in January, April, and November for example. Hell Yeah!

You can also use any PDF you have access to. Not just the journal and workbooks you get from Blue Rain Orchid. Double Hell Yeah!

These apps do have a fee. I paid $6-7 for Goodnotes a few years ago and have never regretted it, or had to pay any other fee. I think Notability has an annual subscription of $12. You can find them in the App Store in apple or Google Store for android.

Why not run to the shop and snag some journals and workbooks?

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